Donday Biewers

Biewer Terrier Breeder in Enumclaw, WA

Over 40 years ago I was very involved with the German Shepard breed. I wanted to know that I was making the right decision with our breeding program, so I went to college and took classes in genetics.

My husband and I were very successful with our lines. However, the standards started to change and we slowly transitioned to the Brittany. We chose the Brittany because it seemed the perfect fit for our family and our hobby, hunting. We again experienced success with the Brittany in both the showing and in field trials, I also Judged both Brittany and All Breed Trials for seven years, however once again they started to allow faults and changed the standards.

I stand very strong on standards, We should not feel free that these dogs are ours to change as we choose or to what the public think they should look like, but to protect them and take care of them and pass them to the next generation in as good if not in a better shape than we received them. I love this breed and I am going to do what ever I can to keep the standards as written by the Biewers.

In 2003,I was at a friend’s home and around the corner came two little bundle of fun. NEVER in a million years did I think that I would have a small dog. I research, and talked to several kennels in both the United States and in Germany and eventually found the lines that matched the standards written by the Biewers. Donday was established. We don’t have kennels dogs our dogs are members of our family. When you see us anywhere you’ll see our Biewers right along side.

Donday Biewers